Because college athletes deserve equal rights & freedoms

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About Us

"Our mission is to protect future, current, and former college athletes."

The National College Players Association (NCPA) is a 501c3 nonprofit advocacy association made up of current and former college athletes, and has been leading the college athletes' rights movement since 2001.

Through athlete unity and advocacy campaigns, new laws, and public awareness, the NCPA has been pivotal in bringing forth many essential reforms, including:

  • Increase in scholarship & "Alston" money by over $10K/year
  • Dozens of state laws guaranteeing our freedom to receive NIL compensation & have representation
  • 4-5 year scholarship guarantees
  • More transfer freedoms
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College football player holding a ball.

Our Key Goals

Enforce safety standards to prevent serious injury, abuse, and death
Improve Title IX enforcement
Preserve all

For Future, Current, And Former College Athletes

United for Change

The NCPA unites current and former college athletes to bring real change. We empower college athletes by generating athlete unity across all sports, providing critical information and analysis, persuading lawmakers and government agencies to help our cause, and by providing assistance to athletes who are mistreated on their campus.

Once An Athlete
Always an Athlete

NCAA Says It Has No Duty To Protect College Athletes

Strength In

High Stakes: Death, Abuse, Fair Pay...

It is not against NCAA rules for a college to kill an athlete in a hazardous workout or for a team doctor to abuse an athlete. In multiple public documents and in hearings, the NCAA claims it has no duty to protect college athletes.  

The NCAA also denies us the freedom to secure fair compensation, a freedom afforded to other students and Americans. Too many of us can be left to pay sports-related medical bills and in some sports, graduation rates hover around 50%.

This must change! We can solve these problems together.  Join now to protect current, former, and generations of future college athletes.

Join Now
Ramogi testifying in front of congres.

NCPA In Action

For over 20 years, The NCPA has been pivotal in bringing forth reforms for college athletes. In 2001, The NCPA raised concerns over health and safety issues during a congressional hearing after the deaths of three football players and the denial of home health care to a paralyzed college football player. The NCAA responded by lifting it's prohibition of medical oversight of summer workouts, providing home health care benefits for seriously injured players, increasing death benefits from $10,000 to $25,000, and prohibiting consecutive two-a-day practices to help prevent deaths. These changes marked important progress for college athletes, but it was only the beginning of our fight for the rights of college athletes.

In the following years, The NCPA has played a pivotal role in assisting a dozen states in adopting laws to allow college athletes to secure representation and earn compensation for use of their name, image, and likeness. The NCPA also worked through legal pathways to help bring forth more scholarship money, extended healthcare benefits, and the elimination of the NCAA's 1-year max on athletic scholarships. The NCPA will continue to push for justice.

Join The Cause

Join The Team!

NCPA membership is open to current and former college athletes. There is no obligation for your free, confidential NCPA membership. Your information will not be sold or shared.

When you become an NCPA Member, you gain the voice and college athlete unity needed to continue improving the lives of current, former, and generations of future college athletes.

Join the NCPA to stay updated, learn about NCPA leadership opportunities, and to make a real difference. Simply fill in the following form.

*College Name
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Help Support the NCPA

he NCPA is a 501c3 non-profit organization that relies on donations from supporters. All donations go toward fighting for the rights of college athletes.

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